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Boualem Sansal: France “in great concern” regarding “health” and “pressures” exerted

Boualem Sansal: France “in great concern” regarding “health” and “pressures” exerted
By Le Figaro with AFP


Algerian writer and journalist Kamel Daoud delivers a speech during a demonstration in support of French-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal at the Arab World Institute in Paris; in Paris, February 18, 2025. BEHROUZ MEHRI / AFP

"We are very concerned about his health" and "the pressure being put on him, particularly those which involve his lawyers," declared the head of government.

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France is "very concerned" about the "health" of Franco-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal and the "pressure" being put on him, Prime Minister François Bayrou said on Wednesday following an interministerial committee meeting on immigration.

"We are very concerned about his health" and "the pressure that is being put on him, and in particular (those) that implicate his lawyers," declared the head of government. "Pronouncing the name of Boualem Sansal in this press conference" is "a way of saying the importance that France gives to his personality and the respect that should be due to him," added François Bayrou. According to the writer's French lawyer, Mr. Sansal, detained in Algeria, began a hunger strike "because of pressure exerted on him to change lawyers," which the Algiers Bar Association denied.

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